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Everything posted by Sarashell

  1. Happy birthday Moira, and many happy returns. Hope the sun is shining. Ann and John. πŸŽ‚πŸ·πŸ·πŸ· xx
  2. Well, the weather was better and it was windy. Thought I’d got away with it, but two miles from home, we went through a hail storm. Oh well, the joys of cycling. Anyway, up at Tardebigge, Leigh had come up to see us, in the car, he is looking well after his health problems, nice to see you Leigh. So then, Bev, Kev, Gordon and me started off towards Pershore, picking up Tony on the way. Nice bit of sunshine 🌞 but hard work into the wind. Gordon and Tony turned off and did shorter rides. Three of us went to Cafe One, just as the rain was starting, then after one of those big toasted tea cakes, it was back on t’bike. The rain had stopped, the sun was out, and the wind πŸ’¨ was behind us ( most of the way ). So, good ride, let’s hope the weather keeps on improving. 🚲
  3. Happy birthday Mavis, and many happy returns. Ann and John. πŸŽ‚
  4. Yes the first of March, does that mean it’s Spring! Well the weather does look a little better for Sunday, but still a bit breezy. So let’s see if we can get to Pershore. 10 o’ clock, Tardebigge. πŸš΄πŸ½πŸš΄β€β™€οΈ
  5. Oh so sad, our thoughts are with you. Ann and John.
  6. Points up to the end of February. Roger Bick. 4 John Shelley. 4 Alan Philpot. 3 Barry Lucas. 3 Chris Pardoe. 3 Phil Carbutt 2 Mick Hazlewood. 2 Kevin Young. 2 Ivor Myttion. 2 Gordon Leworthey. 2 Moira Blackburn. 2 Chris Thompson 2 Chris Philpot. 1
  7. Well, we stuck to the plan, four of us turned up at Tardebigge and went for a short steady ride to Crowle. It is a very nice cafe that we hadn’t been to before, run by the locals, the only problem is that it closes at twelve on a Sunday, but we just made it in time. The wind was very strong today, and that made it quite hard work ( ask Moira ) but it rained luckily only while we were in the cafe. So at least we got a ride in. Moira, Chris T. Chris P. And Me. 🚲
  8. I’ve been looking at different weather forecasts and they’re all different, so reading between the lines, I think the best thing we can do is go out half an hour later and hope for the best. Then I think a shortish ride ( because I’m not very fit ) would be a good idea. So 10:30 start, just a one off, and a steady ride to Crowle village hall cafe. 10:30 Tardebigge. πŸš΄β€β™€οΈπŸš΄πŸ½
  9. Happy birthday Yvonne, Ed and Polly. And many happy returns, Ann and John. πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚ XXX
  10. I think, an hour on the turbo. Try again next week.
  11. Not too optimistic about this week’s run, the weather forecast is diabolical. However, try and be optimistic, just do a short ride to The Shop and Cafe at Crowle. 10 o’clock at Tardebigge. 🀞🚴🏽 πŸš΄β€β™€οΈ
  12. Sorry Barry, miscalculation, it was about 11 when we got there, I’ll give you a point. Six of us started out ( a bit late ) Gordon, Roger, Kevin Y. Mick, Chris T. and me. Gordon turned off and went his own way. The rest of us went on to the cafe where Alan P. had already arrived. Rode home together, and there were a few aching legs. 🚲
  13. It will be Priest’s Bridge, Radford, about twenty minutes after starting. 🀞 ,
  14. Forecast looks dry and quite mild, if a bit breezy, so let’s go to Clive’s of Cropthorne. 10 o’clock, Tardebigge. πŸš΄πŸ½πŸš΄β€β™€οΈ
  15. Points up to the end of January. Roger Bick. 3 Chris Pardoe. 2 Barry Lucas. 2 Ivor Myttion. 2 Alan Philpot. 2 Phil Carbutt. 2 John Shelley. 2 Mick Hazlewood. 1 Kevvin Young. 1 Gordon Leworthey. 1 Moira Blackburn. 1 Chris Philpot. 1
  16. Got to Tardebigge, no one there, few minutes later Chris P. came riding round the corner, then Roger came. Not much enthusiasm but off we went, only did about two miles and down went my back tyre, Oh Bother, nice wet muddy tyre, so fixed it and carried on. Few more miles, the rain 🌧 started, slowly getting heavier. We decided then to keep turning right, and somehow we ended up at Broad Acres, so in we went, There were a lot of cyclists out today, and most of them were in Broad Acres. Had a pleasant three quarters of an hour eating and drinking and chatting, before going back out into the elements and riding home, with the wind πŸ’¨. Did twenty seven miles, but.at least we got out. 🚲
  17. I know the weather doesn’t look good, but let’s aim for Pershore and see how things go, we could always do a nonstoper , or a short ride if the rain starts. 10 o’clock, Tardebigge. πŸš΄β€β™€οΈπŸš΄πŸ½
  18. Happy birthday Terry, and many happy returns. Ann and John. πŸŽ‚
  19. Happy birthday Tess, hope you are having a good day. Ann and John, πŸΊπŸΊπŸŽ‚πŸΊπŸΊ
  20. Happy birthday Gordon, have a great day. Ann and John. πŸŽ‚
  21. Well done all of you, considering every thing went wrong. Moira, you have got the job. πŸ˜πŸ’‹
  22. We had six out with us today, one of whom, Alan P. was already at Evesham when the rest of us got there, the rest of us being, Mick, Roger, Kevin Y. Phil and me. It was a windy day, again, and that made quite a hard ride, but never mind, it was dry and not too cold. So that was the first Sunday ride of the year. 🚲
  23. Happy birthday Bev, have a good day. Ann and John. πŸ·πŸ·πŸŽ‚πŸ·
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