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Stage Forty Two - Monday 9th July 2012

Sean Barker


Plovdiv (Bul)

I couldn't sleep last night as the events of the previous day kept churning away in my head. So I got up at first light (a little after 5:00am) and cycled the city and southern suburbs for chance the pannier might have been discarded but alas to no avail.

I headed back to the hostel some four hours later and had breakfast before cycling back to the police station to finish off the reports.

I then spent the day cycling all over the city and out of town shopping areas for cycling gear but drew dead. I did manage to get a couple of sports tops and a pair of casual shorts unpadded naturally, but at least I can wear them while my only pair of padded cycling shorts are drying.

Looks like I'll have to pass through Sofia as that will be my only chance of getting replacements now.

After cycling over 100km today and having nothing to show for it, I'm really struggling to stay positive.


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