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Stage Twelve - Saturday 9th June 2012

Sean Barker


Becice (CZ) to Kunzak (CZ)

I was greatly relieved that my tent survived the storm last night and that a tree hadn't come down on me but I was soaked during the night. The rain was still coming down heavy when I awoke and no sign of it letting up. I knew I had to go out in it as I was out of food and with tomorrow being Sunday I had to stock up today.

There was nothing for it, I had to move on. I tried to care for my feet as best I could. There were large chunks of dead white flesh coming off them and I was missing five toenails, I am genuinely concerned that I am getting trench foot, I cleaned them and bandaged them up before I packed up everything in the pouring rain and was in no doubt I couldn't get any wetter.

Today was brutally tough, the rain never let up for a moment, I was cold and soaked through, my shoulder hurt my feet hurt and I really struggled to keep mentally right. My tent and sleeping bag were wet and my priority was to find accommodation if possible and dry everything out, as well as stocking up on food.

I cycled through loads of little villages and the towns of " “Veseli nad Luznici”, and the sizable “Jindrichuv Hradec”. I continued east until I came to the village of “Kunzac” where I found a pension and some respite from this sufferance.

The pension was owned and run by a delightful couple who were fascinated by what I had achieved and what I yet intended to do. They invited me to their private quarters to dine with them where we discussed my cycling tours before moving onto their true passion “Music” where we discussed our favourite works by D’vorak, Chopin and Mozart before amazingly moving onto Bluegrass where the owner played banjo in a local Bluegrass band.

We continued to chat while they introduced me to one Czech beer after another and then a local spirit distilled from plums.

I feel a little tipsy now as I write this account of the day but I think I’ll sleep well tonight.


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