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Stage Thirty Two - Friday 29th June 2012

Sean Barker


Kirklareli (Tur) to Saray (Tur)

Today was hot and I really felt it. Turkey is having a heatwave and it hit 45c out on the road today.

The roads too are a concern, very busy with precious little room between me and the high speed traffic that whizzes by. Every time a truck comes up behind me they honk their horn and my only option is to pull in off the road. The constant stopping and starting is making progress slow and it’s only going to get worse as I close in on Istanbul.

I stayed on the main road (my only choice) as I passed through “Vize” and into “Saray”. One good thing is the hotels are really cheap at around £15 a night with breakfast.

I have made really good time on the way down here and I think I’ll reward myself now with taking it a little easier under this oppressive sun.

I met a helpful Turk as I took a rest in the shade of a petrol station forecourt and he has advised me on a different route into Istanbul that I now intend to take.


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