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Stage Two - Wednesday 30th May 2012

Sean Barker


Zennet (Ned) to Wesel (D)

After a difficult night’s sleep, (my injured arm kept waking me every time I moved) I was unaware at this time that I had a rotor cuff tear in the shoulder that wouldn't heal until I was to finish the tour and receive medical attention.

I awoke to find that when I pitched my tent in the dead of night the previous day I had inadvertently camped in a field full of cows. They may have been on the far side of the field but for all the world they seemed to me to be standing in a line and looking at me in a disapprovingly way,

I packed up at first light and hit the road, stopping shortly thereafter to cook up a hearty breakfast to see me through the day. I was having trouble with my cooker leaking fuel but managed to fix it with some strategically placed duct tape but to my annoyance I discovered that I somehow managed to lose my compass. A priority for today is to get a new one.

I made my way to Wesel passing through "Kleve" "Kalkar" and "Xanten" the weather was one heavy rain shower after another all day but the long term weather forecast was rain rain and more rain for the days and weeks ahead.

P1000822.jpgDay two and into Germany


The charming town of Kleve


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