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Stage Seven - Monday 4th June 2012

Sean Barker


Ilmenau (D) to Bad Lobenstien (D)

The torrential rain forecast didn't materialise but it was overcast and showers all day with the showers getting heavier and more prolonged later into the day.

Today was tough going on the bicycle paths, the recent rains had left them deep mud in parts and in no way suitable for a loaded touring bike, they were really only mountain bike paths at the best of times. After getting stuck one too many times and having to push my bike through ankle deep mud. I decided to go off route in search of a better surface.

My new route saw me passing through "Saafeld" and staying on the "90" to "Bad Lobenstien"

I think this bad weather system is coming from the east so by riding into it hopefully I'll come out the other side all the sooner.

One big positive today is that I managed to buy a new compass in "Saafeld"

P1000826.jpgThe many kilometres of cycle paths that run through the forests of Germany


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