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Stage Twenty Three - Wednesday 20th June 2012

Sean Barker


Miercorea Sibiulut (ROM) to Cartisoara (ROM)

A really tough and stressful days cycling as I made my way along the busy 1 and through the city of “Sibiu”. Then it was on to the equally busy and stressful E68 through “Bradu”, “Avrig”, “Porumbacu de jos” and on to the “Transfagarasan Highway”

I found accommodation in the little village of “Cartisoara” where a local family have a home with a small annex that they rent for weary travellers. They invited me to join them in their evening meal where they fed me and questioned me at length on my tour so far. We ended the meal with strong liquor that they distilled themselves, I think it was from pear but it was bloody strong stuff.

Today was hot, 35c in the shade and considerably hotter out on the road.

Even now in the cooling evening it is still well over 30c and I find myself transfixed on the snow-capped Carpathian Mountains to the south that I will have to cross tomorrow

I have no doubt that tomorrow will be a day that I will never forget.

P1000867.jpgThe hot Rumanian summers, probably not really conducive with long distance cycling but I soon got used to it

P1000870.jpgThe beginning of that famous road and the daunting Carpathian mountains in the distance.


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