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Stage Twenty Nine - Tuesday 26th June 2012

Sean Barker


Lost (Bul) to Karnobat (Bul)

I managed to pick up the GPS course today so am comforted in the knowledge that I am always traveling in the right direction.

Today’s route took me over a torturous climb that was so steep keeping my front wheel on the ground was a challenge.

I’m really shattered this evening but my stomach seems to be settling down at last.

It was a late start today after heavy rain during the night which continued on late into the morning. I packed up a wet tent but in this heat it dried later in minutes when I stopped to cook up lunch.

The road signs are now in both Cyrillic and Roman lettering so I can get a fix on where I am.

I shall now head for Burgos on the coast of the Black Sea which is well signposted and move south from there. All being well I should hit Turkey the day after tomorrow.


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